Monday, January 23, 2006


4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life:
1. Drawing tutor
2. Designer
3. Project coordinator
4. Project manager

4 Movies You Could Watch Over & Over:
1. Serendipity
2. Friends
3. Be with you
4. Fight Club
and many more ^^

4 Places You Have Lived:
1. Bangkok, TH
2. Leicester, UK
3. California, USA
4. New York, USA
I wish for a couple more :P hehehe

4 TV Shows You Love to Watch:
1. Friends
2. One Tree Hill
3. House
4. Everwood

4 Places You Have Been on Vacation:
1. Japan
2. Korea
3. Taiwan
4. Costa Rica

4 of Your favorite Foods:
1. Carbonara
2. Milk chocolate
3. Som-tum Thai
4. Pork leg w/ rice at Trok Soong

4 Bloggers I Am Tagging:
Normally none. :P

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